Frequently Asked Questions

Booking and Reservations

The booking process is simple. You can check out the properties listed on the website. For reservations, simply enter your travel dates and the number of guest planning to stay at the property. You will receive your booking confirmation on your provided email address within 24 hours.

The standard check-in time is 2 pm and the check-out time is 12 pm.

Need to change a reservation? It happens and we’re here to help! You just have to submit a request on our website and our representative will get in touch with you and facilitate you in the best possible way.

Yes, the booking can be cancelled but the cancellation and refund policy will come into effect depending on how long in advance the cancellation request is received.

Payment and Cancellation

Yes, you can choose to pay upon arrival but some properties require a certain amount to be paid upon reservation and booking confirmation.

Click on the property you want to view and you can find all the details related to it on that page.

Sometimes you are expected to pay taxes or charges upon arrival. The amount would be mentioned before you book or in the confirmation email you receive. If there is nothing stated in the email, you are not expected to pay upon arrival.

To get a full refund, you need to inform at least 5 days before check-in or within 48 hours of booking. If you fail to do that, certain amount may be deducted according to the cancellation policy.

Listing your Property

You can fill out the form on our website and our representative will get in touch with you for details and schedule a visit to your property.

The occupancy rate depends on the area, booking rate, amenities offered at the property. We list properties with the aim of getting the highest possible occupancy.

You need to be the owner of the property to get it listed. Our team does all this security and background checks about the property to make the onboarding as transparent as possible.

We ensure that the guest experience is not compromised at any cost. We carry out regular inspection of the property before and after every stay. If any damage is caused during a guest stay, we handle every aspect and arrange for a proper maintenance.


You can pay upon arrival at the property and can also pay through bank transfer, debit and credit card.

For all bookings, we ask for the guest ID and match it with the booking details. If it’s not available, we cancel the booking to ensure safety of the property.

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